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How to transfer calls (the right way)
There are 2 kinds of call transfers, Blind and Attended.
1. Blind Transfer
When you are on a call and you want to transfer the call to someone else without first notifying the end point. In an open plan office you may have glanced at a co-worker, they may have known about the call, this is fine to Blind Transfer. NB They had better have the app open and not in DND else you will drop that call.
Blind Transfer Process – while on the call, click on Blind, type the extension or telephone number where you would like to blindly transfer the call, then hit Transfer (Poof, the call is on its way)
2. Attended Transfer
When you are on a call and you want to transfer the call to someone else however you first want to discuss something with that end point. In a large organization it is hard to know if someone is busy, on a call or available to take said call. Attended transfer allows you to better inform your buddy/coworker of the caller.
ATTENDED CALL INTERFACEAttended Transfer Process – while on the call, click on Attended, then call the end points extension or mobile number, great the end point with your name and explain that you have said caller on the line and what the call is about.
Here are some pro’s around Attended Transfer:
a. Unavailable – the end point is not available, now you can return to the caller and inform them of that (take a message and email the end point, see if you can help)
b. Available but cant take that call right now – the end point answers but is not ready for that caller, now you can return to the caller and better manage the expectation (again, take that message and email the end point)
c. Available – the end point answers and is waiting for that caller, now you can return to the caller and inform them “Great news, Person X is available and has been expecting your call, you are going through”.
Wow, what a great experience.